Source code for

import itertools
from import App
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.base import Cwl, salad
from import WorkflowInput
from import WorkflowOutput
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.cmd.tool import CommandLineTool
from import to_step_req
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.util import is_instance_all
from import ExpressionTool
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.check import to_str, to_any, to_str_slist
from import ScatterMethod, MergeMethod
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.schema import InputArray, OutputArray, Primitive
from import (
    StepInputExpression, ScatterFeature, MultipleInputFeature,
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.requirement import (
    InlineJavascript, Docker, ShellCommand, Resource, InitialWorkDir,
    Software, SchemaDef, EnvVar

def to_steps(value):
    """Converts `value` into workflow steps."""

    def map_to_cls(obj):
        return Step(**obj)

    if value is not None:
        if is_instance_all(value, Step):
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            return list(map(map_to_cls, value))
            raise TypeError('Expected steps, got: {}'.format(type(value)))

[docs]class Workflow(App): """ A wf describes a set of steps and the dependencies between those steps. When a step produces output that will be consumed by a second step, the first step is a dependency of the second step. When there is a dependency, the wf engine must execute the preceeding step and wait for it to successfully produce output before executing the dependent step. If two steps are defined in the wf graph that are not directly or indirectly dependent, these steps are independent, and may execute in any order or execute concurrently. A wf is complete when all steps have been executed. Dependencies between parameters are expressed using the source field on wf step input parameters and wf output parameters. The source field expresses the dependency of one parameter on another such that when a value is associated with the parameter specified by source, that value is propagated to the destination parameter. When all data links inbound to a given step are fufilled, the step is ready to execute. Workflow success and failure A completed step must result in one of success, temporaryFailure or permanentFailure states. An implementation may choose to retry a step execution which resulted in temporaryFailure. An implementation may choose to either continue running other steps of a wf, or terminate immediately upon permanentFailure. - If any step of a wf execution results in permanentFailure, then the wf status is permanentFailure. - If one or more steps result in temporaryFailure and all other steps complete success or are not executed, then the wf status is temporaryFailure. - If all wf steps are executed and complete with success, then the wf status is success. """ class_ = 'Workflow' def __init__(self, cwl_version='v1.0', inputs=None, outputs=None, steps=None, id=None, requirements=None, hints=None, label=None, doc=None, **kwargs): super(Workflow, self).__init__( self.class_, cwl_version=cwl_version, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, id=id, requirements=requirements, hints=hints, label=label, doc=doc ) self.steps = steps # region override
[docs] def get_requirements(self, value): return to_step_req(value)
def _get_cls(self): return Workflow def _get_input_cls(self): return WorkflowInput def _get_output_cls(self): return WorkflowOutput # endregion # region utils
[docs] def get_step(self, id): """Get step by ``id``.""" for s in self.steps: if == id: return s
[docs] def add_requirement(self, new_r): """Adds ``new_r`` into list of workflow requirements.""" if isinstance(new_r, (InlineJavascript, SchemaDef, Docker, Software, InitialWorkDir, EnvVar, ShellCommand, Resource, StepInputExpression, ScatterFeature, MultipleInputFeature, SubworkflowFeature)): updated = False if self.requirements: for r in self.requirements: if r.class_ == new_r.class_: r.update(new_r) updated = True if not updated: self.requirements.append(new_r) else: self.requirements = [new_r] else: raise TypeError('Expected Requirement got: {}'.format(type(new_r)))
[docs] def add_connection(self, src, dst): """ Connects source and destination nodes, specified by `src` and `dst` ids respectively. :param src: connection source :param dst: connection destination """ src_arr = src.split('.') src_n = len(src_arr) dst_arr = dst.split('.') dst_n = len(dst_arr) def to_list(x): if not x: return [] if isinstance(x, str): return [x] else: return x if src_n < 2 and dst_n < 2: raise ValueError("Connection have to contain minimum one step.") if src_n == 1 and dst_n == 2: step_id = dst_arr[0] input_id = dst_arr[1] for s in self.steps: if == step_id: for x in s.in_: if == input_id: x.source = to_list(x.source) x.source = list(set.union(set(x.source), {src})) if len(x.source) == 1: x.source = x.source[0] return s.in_.append(StepInput(input_id, source=src)) break elif src_n == 2 and dst_n == 1: step_id = src_arr[0] output_id = src_arr[1] for s in self.steps: if == step_id: for x in s.out: if == output_id: return s.out.append(StepOutput(output_id)) break for o in self.outputs: if == dst_arr[0]: o.output_source = to_list(o.output_source) o.output_source = list(set.union( set(o.output_source), {"{}/{}".format( step_id, output_id )} )) if len(o.output_source) == 1: o.output_source = o.output_source[0] elif src_n == 2 and dst_n == 2: src_step_id = src_arr[0] src_output_id = src_arr[1] dst_step_id = dst_arr[0] dst_input_id = dst_arr[1] done_in, done_out = False, False for s in self.steps: if not done_out and == src_step_id: for o in s.out: if == src_output_id: done_out = True break if not done_out: s.out.append(StepOutput(src_output_id)) done_out = True elif not done_in and == dst_step_id: for i in s.in_: if == dst_input_id: i.source = to_list(i.source) i.source = list(set.union( set(i.source), {"{}/{}".format( src_step_id, src_output_id )} )) if len(i.source) == 1: i.source = i.source[0] done_in = True break if not done_in: s.in_.append(StepInput( dst_input_id, source="{}/{}".format( src_step_id, src_output_id )) ) done_in = True else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported value arguments: {}, {}'.format(src, dst) )
[docs] def scatter(self, step, ports, method): """ Scatter input ports on ``step``. :param step: step on which scatter is performed :param ports: step ports :param method: scatter method, required when len(ports) > 1 """ def find_sink(step): for id in map(lambda x:, step.out): for o in self.outputs: if o.output_source == '{}/{}'.format(, id): yield o def find_source(source): if not isinstance(source, list): source = [source] for s in source: i = self.get_input(s) if i: yield i step.scatter = ports if method: step.scatter_method = method # outputs if not isinstance(ports, list): ports = [ports] if method == ScatterMethod.NESTED_CROSSPRODUCT: for o in find_sink(step): required = App.is_required(o.type) new_type = App.set_required(o.type, True) for _ in range(len(ports)): new_type = OutputArray(new_type) o.type = App.set_required(new_type, required) else: for o in find_sink(step): required = App.is_required(o.type) o.type = App.set_required( OutputArray( App.set_required(o.type, True) ), required ) # inputs for i in filter(lambda x: in ports, step.in_): for j in find_source(i.source): required = App.is_required(j.type) j.type = InputArray( items=j.type if required else [ Primitive.NULL, App.set_required(j.type, True) ] )
[docs] def add_step(self, step, id=None, in_=None, out=None, expose=None, expose_except=None, scatter=None, scatter_method=None): """ Adds step into workflow. :param step: can be either instance of ``App`` subclass or ``WorkflowStep`` :param id: step id :param in_: step inputs :param out: step outputs :param expose: list or map of keys to be exposed as workflow IO (default expose everything) :param expose_except: list of ports to be excluded from exposing :param scatter: scatter inputs :param scatter_method: scattering method required when ``scatter`` is a list with > 1 port """ def wf_io(new_step, k, id=None): if not id: id = k i = 0 while self.get_input(id) or self.get_output(id): i += 1 id = '{}_{}'.format(k, i) label = id obj = if obj: # input param = WorkflowInput( id=id, label=label, doc=obj.doc, secondary_files=obj.secondary_files, streamable=obj.streamable, format=obj.format, type=obj.type ) if not self.inputs: self.inputs = [] self.inputs.append(param) self.add_connection(id, "{}.{}".format(, k )) else: # output obj = param = WorkflowOutput( id=id, label=label, doc=obj.doc, secondary_files=obj.secondary_files, streamable=obj.streamable, format=obj.format, type=obj.type ) if not self.outputs: self.outputs = [] self.outputs.append(param) self.add_connection("{}.{}".format(, k ), id) s_id = id if id else if not self.steps: self.steps = [] for s in self.steps: if == s_id: raise ValueError( 'Step with id: {} already exists'.format(s_id) ) if isinstance(step, Step): if id: = id new_step = step elif isinstance(step, (CommandLineTool, Workflow, ExpressionTool)): new_step = Step(s_id, in_, out, run=step) else: raise ValueError( 'Not supported step type: {}'.format(type(step)) ) self.steps += [new_step] if isinstance(step, Workflow): self.add_requirement(SubworkflowFeature()) expose_except = {} if not expose_except else set(expose_except) if expose is None: i_keys = map(lambda x:, o_keys = map(lambda x:, expose = set(itertools.chain(i_keys, o_keys)).difference( expose_except ) elif isinstance(expose, dict): expose = { k: v for k, v in expose.items() if k not in expose_except } else: expose = set(expose).difference(expose_except) if isinstance(expose, dict): for k, v in expose.items(): wf_io(new_step, k, id=v) else: for i in expose: wf_io(new_step, i) if scatter: self.add_requirement(ScatterFeature()) self.scatter(new_step, scatter, scatter_method) return new_step
# endregion # region properties @property def steps(self): """ The individual steps that make up the wf. Each step is executed when all of its input data links are fufilled. An implementation may choose to execute the steps in a different order than listed and/or execute steps concurrently, provided that dependencies between steps are met. """ return self.get('steps') @steps.setter def steps(self, value): self['steps'] = to_steps(value)
# endregion @salad def to_run(value): @salad def map_dict(d): if d['class'] == 'CommandLineTool': return CommandLineTool(**d) elif d['class'] == 'Workflow': return Workflow(**d) elif d['class'] == 'ExpressionTool': return ExpressionTool(**d) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported class: {}'.format(d['class'])) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, (str, CommandLineTool, Workflow, ExpressionTool)): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): return map_dict(value) else: raise TypeError('TypeError, got: {}'.format(type(value))) @salad def to_in(value): @salad def map_to_cls(obj): return StepInput(**obj) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): return list(map(map_to_cls, value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): in_ = [] for k, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): v = map_to_cls(v) else: v = StepInput(id=k, source=v) in_.append(v) return in_ else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type: {}'.format(type(value))) else: return [] @salad def to_out(value): @salad def map_obj(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return obj return StepOutput(**obj) if value is not None: if is_instance_all(value, str, StepOutput): return value elif is_instance_all(value, dict, str): return list(map(map_obj, value)) else: raise TypeError('TypeError, got: {}'.format(type(value))) else: return []
[docs]class Step(Cwl): """ A wf step is an executable element of a wf. It specifies the underlying process implementation (such as CommandLineTool or another Workflow) in the run field and connects the input and output parameters of the underlying process to wf parameters. More on """ def __init__(self, id, in_, out, run, requirements=None, hints=None, label=None, doc=None, scatter=None, scatter_method=None): super(Step, self).__init__() = id self.in_ = in_ self.out = out = run self.requirements = requirements self.hints = hints self.label = label self.doc = doc self.scatter = scatter self.scatter_method = scatter_method # region utils
[docs] def is_scattered(self, k): """Checks if port specified by ``k`` is scattered.""" if self.scatter == k or k in self.scatter: return True return False
# endregion # region properties @property def id(self): """The unique identifier for this wf step.""" return self.get('id') @id.setter def id(self, value): self['id'] = to_str(value) @property def in_(self): """ Defines the input parameters of the wf step. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used build a user interface for constructing the input object. """ return self.get('in') @in_.setter def in_(self, value): self['in'] = to_in(value) @property def out(self): """ Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object. """ return self.get('out') @out.setter def out(self, value): self['out'] = to_out(value) @property def run(self): """ Specifies the process to run. """ return self.get('run') @run.setter def run(self, value): self['run'] = to_run(value) @property def requirements(self): """ Declares requirements that apply to either the runtime environment or the wf engine that must be met in order to execute this wf step. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirements, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option. """ return self.get('requirements') @requirements.setter def requirements(self, value): self['requirements'] = to_step_req(value) @property def hints(self): """ Declares hints applying to either the runtime environment or the wf engine that may be helpful in executing this wf step. It is not an error if an implementation cannot satisfy all hints, however the implementation may report a warning. """ return self.get('hints') @hints.setter def hints(self, value): self['hints'] = to_any(value) @property def label(self): """ A short, human-readable label of this process object. """ return self.get('label') @label.setter def label(self, value): self['label'] = to_str(value) @property def doc(self): """ A long, human-readable description of this process object. """ return self.get('doc') @doc.setter def doc(self, value): self['doc'] = to_str(value) @property def scatter(self): """ The scatter field specifies one or more input parameters which will be scattered. An input parameter may be listed more than once. The declared type of each input parameter is implicitly becomes an array of items of the input parameter type. If a parameter is listed more than once, it becomes a nested array. As a result, upstream parameters which are connected to scattered parameters must be arrays. """ return self.get('scatter') @scatter.setter def scatter(self, value): self['scatter'] = to_str_slist(value) @property def scatter_method(self): """ Required if scatter is an array of more than one element. """ return self.get('scatterMethod') @scatter_method.setter def scatter_method(self, value): self['scatterMethod'] = to_str(value)
# endregion
[docs]class StepInput(Cwl): """ The input of a wf step connects an upstream parameter (from the wf inputs, or the outputs of other workflows steps) with the input parameters of the underlying step. Input object A WorkflowStepInput object must contain an id field in the form #fieldname or #prefix/fieldname. When the id field contains a slash / the field name consists of the characters following the final slash (the prefix portion may contain one or more slashes to indicate scope). This defines a field of the wf step input object with the value of the source parameter(s). Merging To merge multiple inbound data links, MultipleInputFeatureRequirement must be specified in the wf or wf step requirements. If the sink parameter is an array, or named in a wf scatter operation, there may be multiple inbound data links listed in the source field. The values from the input links are merged depending on the method specified in the linkMerge field. If not specified, the default method is "merge_nested". - merge_nested The input must be an array consisting of exactly one entry for each input link. If "merge_nested" is specified with a single link, the value from the link must be wrapped in a single-item list. - merge_flattened 1. The source and sink parameters must be compatible types, or the source type must be compatible with single element from the "items" type of the destination array parameter. 2. Source parameters which are arrays are concatenated. Source parameters which are single element types are appended as single elements. """ def __init__(self, id, source=None, link_merge=None, default=None, value_from=None): super(StepInput, self).__init__() = id self.source = source self.link_merge = link_merge self.default = default self.value_from = value_from @property def id(self): """A unique identifier for this wf input parameter.""" return self.get('id') @id.setter def id(self, value): self['id'] = to_str(value) @property def source(self): """ Specifies one or more wf parameters that will provide input to the underlying step parameter. """ return self.get('source') @source.setter def source(self, value): self['source'] = to_str_slist(value) @property def link_merge(self): """ The method to use to merge multiple inbound links into a single array. If not specified, the default method is "merge_nested". """ return self.get('linkMerge') @link_merge.setter def link_merge(self, value): self['linkMerge'] = to_str(value) @property def default(self): """ The default value for this parameter to use if either there is no source field, or the value produced by the source is null. The default must be applied prior to scattering or evaluating valueFrom. """ return self.get('default') @default.setter def default(self, value): if value is not None: self['default'] = to_any(value) @property def value_from(self): """ To use valueFrom, StepInputExpressionRequirement must be specified in the wf or wf step requirements. If valueFrom is a constant string value, use this as the value for this input parameter. If valueFrom is a parameter reference or expression, it must be evaluated to yield the actual value to be assiged to the input field. The self value of in the parameter reference or expression must be the value of the parameter(s) specified in the source field, or null if there is no source field. The value of inputs in the parameter reference or expression must be the input object to the wf step after assigning the source values, applying default, and then scattering. The order of evaluating valueFrom among step input parameters is undefined and the result of evaluating valueFrom on a parameter must not be visible to evaluation of valueFrom on other parameters. """ return self.get('valueFrom') @value_from.setter def value_from(self, value): self['valueFrom'] = to_str(value)
[docs]class StepOutput(Cwl): """ Associate an output parameter of the underlying process with a wf parameter. The wf parameter (given in the id field) be may be used as a source to connect with input parameters of other wf steps, or with an output parameter of the process. """ def __init__(self, id): super(StepOutput, self).__init__() = id @property def id(self): """ A unique identifier for this wf output parameter. This is the identifier to use in the source field of WorkflowStepInput to connect the output value to downstream parameters. """ return self.get('id') @id.setter def id(self, value): self['id'] = to_str(value)