Source code for sbg.cwl.v1_0.schema

from sbg.cwl.v1_0.base import Cwl, salad
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.types import Primitive
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.util import (
    is_instance_all, is_instance_both
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.check import (
    to_int, to_str, to_bool, to_slist, to_str_slist

[docs]def input_schema_item(value): @salad def set_item(value): if isinstance(value, dict): if 'type' in value: if value['type'] == 'enum': return InputEnum(**value) elif value['type'] == 'record': return InputRecord(**value) elif value['type'] == 'array': return InputArray(**value) else: raise ValueError("Found item: {}".format(value)) else: raise ValueError("Found item: {}".format(value)) elif isinstance(value, str): return value else: raise NotImplementedError("{}".format(value)) if value is not None: if is_instance_all( value, InputRecord, InputEnum, InputArray, str ) or isinstance( value, (InputRecord, InputEnum, InputArray, str) ): return value elif isinstance(value, list): return list(map(set_item, value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): return set_item(value) else: raise TypeError('Expected <input type>, got:{}'.format( type(value)) )
@salad def input_binding(value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, InputBinding): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): return InputBinding(**value) else: raise TypeError( 'Expected InputBinding, got: {}'.format(type(value)) ) @salad def output_schema_item(value): @salad def set_item(value): if isinstance(value, dict): if 'type' in value: if value['type'] == 'enum': return OutputEnum(**value) elif value['type'] == 'record': return OutputRecord(**value) elif value['type'] == 'array': return OutputArray(**value) else: raise ValueError("Found item: {}".format(value)) else: raise ValueError("Found item: {}".format(value)) elif isinstance(value, str): return value else: raise NotImplementedError("{}".format(value)) if value is not None: if is_instance_both( value, OutputEnum, OutputRecord, OutputArray, str ): return value elif isinstance(value, list): return list(map(set_item, value)) elif isinstance(value, dict): return set_item(value) else: raise TypeError('Expected <out type>, got:{}'.format(type(value))) @salad def output_binding(value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, OutputBinding): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): return OutputBinding(**value) else: raise TypeError( "Expected OutputBinding, got: {}".format(type(value)) )
[docs]class InputBinding(Cwl): """ When listed under inputBinding in the input schema, the term "value" refers to the the corresponding value in the input object. For binding objects listed in CommandLineTool.arguments, the term "value" refers to the effective value after evaluating valueFrom. The binding behavior when building the command line depends on the data type of the value. If there is a mismatch between the type described by the input schema and the effective value, such as resulting from an expression evaluation, an implementation must use the data type of the effective value. - string: Add prefix and the string to the command line. - number: Add prefix and decimal representation to command line. - boolean: If true, add prefix to the command line. If false, add nothing. - File: Add prefix and the value of File.path to the command line. - array: If itemSeparator is specified, add prefix and the join the array into a single string with itemSeparator separating the items. Otherwise first add prefix, then recursively process individual elements. - object: Add prefix only, and recursively add object fields for which inputBinding is specified. - null: Add nothing. """ def __init__(self, load_contents=None, position=None, prefix=None, separate=None, item_separator=None, value_from=None, shell_quote=None): super(InputBinding, self).__init__() self.load_contents = load_contents self.position = position self.prefix = prefix self.separate = separate self.item_separator = item_separator self.value_from = value_from self.shell_quote = shell_quote @property def load_contents(self): """ Only valid when type File or is an array of items File.Read up to the first 64 KiB of text from the file and place it in the "contents" field of the file object for use by expressions. """ return self.get('loadContents') @load_contents.setter def load_contents(self, value): self['loadContents'] = to_bool(value) @property def position(self): """ The sorting key. Default position is 0. """ return self.get('position') @position.setter def position(self, value): self['position'] = to_int(value) @property def prefix(self): """ Command line prefix to add before the value. """ return self.get('prefix') @prefix.setter def prefix(self, value): self['prefix'] = to_str(value) @property def separate(self): """ If true (default), then the prefix and value must be added as separate command line arguments; if false, prefix and value must be concatenated into a single command line argument. """ return self.get('separate') @separate.setter def separate(self, value): self['separate'] = to_bool(value) @property def item_separator(self): """ Join the array elements into a single string with the elements separated by by itemSeparator. """ return self.get('itemSeparator') @item_separator.setter def item_separator(self, value): self['itemSeparator'] = to_str(value) @property def value_from(self): """ If valueFrom is a constant string value, use this as the value and apply the binding rules above. If valueFrom is an expression, evaluate the expression to yield the actual value to use to build the command line and apply the binding rules above. If the inputBinding is associated with an input parameter, the value of self in the expression will be the value of the input parameter. Input parameter defaults (as specified by the InputParameter default field) must be applied before evaluating the expression. When a binding is part of the CommandLineTool.arguments field, the valueFrom field is required. """ return self.get('valueFrom') @value_from.setter def value_from(self, value): self['valueFrom'] = to_str(value) @property def shell_quote(self): """ If ShellCommandRequirement is in the requirement for the current command, this controls whether the value is quoted on the command line (default is true). Use shellQuote: false to inject metacharacters for operations such as pipes. If shellQuote is true or not provided, the implementation must not permit interpretation of any shell metacharacters or directives. """ return self.get('shellQuote') @shell_quote.setter def shell_quote(self, value): self['shellQuote'] = to_bool(value)
[docs]class OutputBinding(Cwl): """ Describes how to generate an output parameter based on the files produced by a CommandLineTool. The output parameter value is generated by applying these operations in the following order: - glob - loadContents - outputEval - secondaryFiles """ def __init__(self, glob=None, load_contents=None, output_eval=None): super(OutputBinding, self).__init__() self.glob = glob self.load_contents = load_contents self.output_eval = output_eval @property def glob(self): """ Find files relative to the output directory, using POSIX glob(3) pathname matching. If an array is provided, find files that match any pattern in the array. If an expression is provided, the expression must return a string or an array of strings, which will then be evaluated as one or more glob patterns. Must only match and return files which actually exist. """ return self.get('glob') @glob.setter def glob(self, value): self['glob'] = to_str_slist(value) @property def load_contents(self): """ For each file matched in glob, read up to the first 64 KiB of text from the file and place it in the contents field of the file object for manipulation by outputEval. """ return self.get('loadContents') @load_contents.setter def load_contents(self, value): self['loadContents'] = to_bool(value) @property def output_eval(self): """ Evaluate an expression to generate the output value. If glob was specified, the value of self must be an array containing file objects that were matched. If no files were matched, self must be a zero length array; if a single file was matched, the value of self is an array of a single element. Additionally, if loadContents is true, the File objects must include up to the first 64 KiB of file contents in the contents field. """ return self.get('outputEval') @output_eval.setter def output_eval(self, value): self['outputEval'] = to_str(value)
[docs]class SchemaBase(Cwl): pass
[docs]class UnionBase(SchemaBase): pass
[docs]class RecordBase(SchemaBase): type = 'record' def __init__(self, label=None, fields=None, type='record'): super(RecordBase, self).__init__() assert type == self.type self['type'] = self.type self.label = label self.fields = fields @property def fields(self): """ Defines the fields of the record. """ return self.get('fields') @fields.setter def fields(self, value): self['fields'] = self.get_fields(value) @property def label(self): """ A short, human-readable label of this object. """ return self.get('label') @label.setter def label(self, value): self['label'] = to_str(value)
[docs] def to_input(self): return InputRecord(label=self.label, fields=self.fields)
[docs] def to_output(self): return OutputRecord(label=self.label, fields=self.fields)
@salad def get_fields(self, value): field_cls = self.get_field_cls() @salad def set_field(value): if isinstance(value, dict): return field_cls(**value) if value is not None: if is_instance_all(value, field_cls): return value elif is_instance_all(value, dict): return list(map(set_field, value)) else: raise TypeError( 'Expected {}, got: {}'.format(field_cls, type(value)) ) else: return []
[docs] def get_field_cls(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class InputRecord(RecordBase):
[docs] def get_field_cls(self): return InputRecordField
[docs]class OutputRecord(RecordBase):
[docs] def get_field_cls(self): return OutputRecordField
[docs]class RecordFieldBase(SchemaBase): def __init__(self, name, type, doc=None): super(RecordFieldBase, self).__init__() = name self.type = type self.doc = doc @property def name(self): """ The name of the field. """ return self.get('name') @name.setter def name(self, value): self['name'] = to_str(value) @property def type(self): """ The field type """ return self.get('type') @type.setter def type(self, value): self['type'] = self.get_type(value) @property def doc(self): """ A documentation string for this field """ return self.get('doc') @doc.setter def doc(self, value): self['doc'] = to_str(value)
[docs] def to_input(self): return InputRecordField(, type=self.type, doc=self.doc)
[docs] def to_output(self): return OutputRecordField(, type=self.type, doc=self.doc)
[docs] def get_type(self, value): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class InputRecordField(RecordFieldBase): def __init__(self, name, type, doc=None, input_binding=None, label=None): super(InputRecordField, self).__init__( name, type, doc=doc ) self.input_binding = input_binding self.label = label @property def input_binding(self): return self.get('inputBinding') @input_binding.setter def input_binding(self, value): self['inputBinding'] = input_binding(value)
[docs] def get_type(self, value): return input_schema_item(value)
[docs]class OutputRecordField(RecordFieldBase): def __init__(self, name, type, doc=None, output_binding=None): super(OutputRecordField, self).__init__(name, type, doc=doc) self.output_binding = output_binding @property def output_binding(self): return self.get('outputBinding') @output_binding.setter def output_binding(self, value): self['outputBinding'] = output_binding(value)
[docs] def get_type(self, value): return output_schema_item(value)
[docs]class ArrayBase(SchemaBase): type = 'array' def __init__(self, items, label, type): super(ArrayBase, self).__init__() assert type == self.type self['type'] = self.type self.items_ = items self.label = label @property def items_(self): """ Defines the type of the array elements. """ return self.get('items') @items_.setter def items_(self, value): self['items'] = self.get_items(value) @property def label(self): """ A short, human-readable label of this object. """ return self.get('label') @label.setter def label(self, value): self['label'] = to_str(value)
[docs] def to_input(self): return InputArray(items=self.items_, label=self.label)
[docs] def to_output(self): return OutputArray(items=self.items_, label=self.label)
[docs] def get_items(self, value): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class InputArray(ArrayBase): def __init__(self, items, label=None, input_binding=None, type='array'): super(InputArray, self).__init__(items, label, type) self.input_binding = input_binding @property def input_binding(self): return self.get('inputBinding') @input_binding.setter def input_binding(self, value): self['inputBinding'] = input_binding(value)
[docs] def get_items(self, value): return input_schema_item(value)
[docs]class OutputArray(ArrayBase): def __init__(self, items, label=None, output_binding=None, type='array'): super(OutputArray, self).__init__(items, label, type) self.output_binding = output_binding @property def output_binding(self): return self.get('outputBinding') @output_binding.setter def output_binding(self, value): self['outputBinding'] = output_binding(value)
[docs] def get_items(self, value): return output_schema_item(value)
[docs]class EnumBase(SchemaBase): type = 'enum' def __init__(self, symbols, label, type): super(EnumBase, self).__init__() assert type == self.type self['type'] = self.type self.symbols = symbols self.label = label @property def symbols(self): """ Defines the set of valid symbols. """ return self.get('symbols') @symbols.setter def symbols(self, value): self['symbols'] = to_slist(value) @property def label(self): """ A short, human-readable label of this object. """ return self.get('label') @label.setter def label(self, value): self['label'] = to_str(value)
[docs] def to_input(self): return InputEnum(symbols=self.symbols, label=self.label)
[docs] def to_output(self): return OutputEnum(symbols=self.symbols, label=self.label)
[docs]class InputEnum(EnumBase): def __init__(self, symbols, label=None, input_binding=None, type='enum'): super(InputEnum, self).__init__( symbols=symbols, label=label, type=type ) self.input_binding = input_binding @property def input_binding(self): return self.get('inputBinding') @input_binding.setter def input_binding(self, value): self['inputBinding'] = input_binding(value)
[docs]class OutputEnum(EnumBase): def __init__(self, symbols, label=None, output_binding=None, type='enum'): super(OutputEnum, self).__init__( symbols=symbols, label=label, type=type ) self.output_binding = output_binding @property def output_binding(self): return self.get('outputBinding') @output_binding.setter def output_binding(self, value): self['outputBinding'] = output_binding(value)
[docs]def set_required(obj, required): """ If argument ``required=True`` return required object. If argument ``required=False`` return non required object. :param obj: type object :param required: flag :return: type object """ if isinstance(obj, str): # primitive obj = obj.rstrip('?') if not required: obj += '?' elif isinstance(obj, (InputRecord, InputEnum, InputArray, OutputRecord, OutputEnum, OutputArray)): # schema if not required: return ['null', obj] else: return obj elif isinstance(obj, list): # union if not required: if Primitive.NULL not in obj: obj.insert(0, Primitive.NULL) return obj else: return obj else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Not implemented for type: {}'.format(type(obj)) ) return obj