Source code for sbg.cwl.v1_0.cmd.tool

import os
import re
import shutil
import inspect
import collections
from sbg.cwl import serialize
from import App
from sbg.cwl.sbg.hints import SaveLogs
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.base import salad
from sbg.cwl.serialize import consts
from sbg.cwl.serialize import deploy
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.cmd.input import CommandInput
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.cmd.output import CommandOutput
from sbg.cwl.consts import BASH_BUNDLE_NAME, BASH_LIB
from sbg.cwl.serialize.consts import OUT_PATH, UTIL_PATH
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.schema import InputBinding, OutputBinding
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.check import to_str_slist, to_str, to_ilist
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.util import (
    is_instance_all, is_instance_all_dict, archive
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.hints import (
    String, Int, Float, Bool, Any, Hint, File, Dir, Array, Union, Enum,
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.requirement import (
    InitialWorkDir, SchemaDef, Software, EnvVar, ShellCommand, Resource,
    Docker, InlineJavascript, Dirent

    '''parser.add_argument('{prefix}', type=json.loads, action='store',\n'''
    '''                    required={required!r}, default={default!r})'''

def to_cmd_req(obj):
    """Converts object to CommandLineTool requirement."""

    m = dict(

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        if 'class' in obj:
            return m[obj['class']](**obj)
            raise ValueError("Missing class, {}".format(obj))
        raise ValueError("Expected dict, found: {}".format(type(obj)))

def to_salad_obj(value):
    return value

def get_requirements(value):
    """Converts value to CommandLineTool requirements."""

    if value is not None:
        if is_instance_all(value,
                           InlineJavascript, SchemaDef, Docker, Software,
                           InitialWorkDir, EnvVar, ShellCommand, Resource):
            return value
        elif is_instance_all_dict(
                value, InlineJavascript, SchemaDef, Docker, Software,
                InitialWorkDir, EnvVar, ShellCommand, Resource
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            return list(map(to_cmd_req, value))
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            return {k: to_salad_obj(v) for k, v in value.items()}
            raise ValueError("Expected list, got {}.".format(type(value)))

def to_str_ibinding(value):
    """Converts list of values to list of str|input_binding|$directive"""

    def map_obj(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            return obj
        return InputBinding(**obj)

    if value is not None:
        if is_instance_all(value, str, InputBinding):
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            return list(map(map_obj, value))
            raise TypeError('Expected list, got {}'.format(type(value)))

[docs]class CommandLineTool(App): """ This defines the schema of the CWL Command Line Tool Description document. """ class_ = 'CommandLineTool' def __init__(self, cwl_version='v1.0', inputs=None, outputs=None, id=None, requirements=None, hints=None, label=None, doc=None, base_command=None, arguments=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, success_codes=None, temporary_fail_codes=None, permanent_fail_codes=None, **kwargs): super(CommandLineTool, self).__init__(self.class_, cwl_version=cwl_version, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, id=id, requirements=requirements, hints=hints, label=label, doc=doc ) self.base_command = base_command self.arguments = arguments self.stderr = stderr self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.success_codes = success_codes self.temporary_fail_codes = temporary_fail_codes self.permanent_fail_codes = permanent_fail_codes self.type_map = { bool: Bool(), float: Float(), int: Int(), str: String(), None: Any() } # region utils
[docs] def unarchive_bundle(self, bundle, encoded=False, postprocess=None): """ Adds first unarchiving command as first argument. It can also decode base64 encoded bundles. :param bundle: bundle name :param encoded: flag which indicates that ``bundle`` is base64 encoded """ m = 0 if self.arguments: positions = { arg.position if isinstance(arg, InputBinding) else 0 for arg in self.arguments } m = min(map(lambda p: p if p else 0, positions)) else: self.arguments = [] ib = self.get_unarchive_argument( bundle, encoded=encoded, postprocess=postprocess ) if m != 0: ib.position = m self.arguments.insert(0, ib)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_unarchive_argument(bundle, encoded=False, postprocess=None): """ Returns ``InputBinding`` argument with untar command. :param bundle: archive name :param encoded: flag which indicates that ``bundle`` is base64 encoded :return: an instance of ``InputBinding`` which is an argument """ ib = InputBinding( shell_quote=False, value_from='cat {name} {decode}| tar xjf - ; {proc}'.format( decode='| base64 --decode ' if encoded else '', name=bundle, proc="{} ;".format( postprocess.rstrip(';') ) if postprocess else '' ) ) return ib
def _inputs_from_f(self, f): """Gets input list from function `f`.""" sig = inspect.signature(f) f_args = dict(sig.parameters) inputs = [] annotations = None if hasattr(f, 'to_tool_args'): annotations = f.to_tool_args['inputs'] for k, v in f_args.items(): type_ = None if annotations: type_ = annotations[k] elif v.annotation != inspect._empty: if v.annotation in self.type_map: type_ = self.type_map[v.annotation] else: type_ = v.annotation if not is_empty(v.default): type_.default = v.default if (isinstance(type_, collections.Hashable) and type_ in self.type_map): type_ = self.type_map[type_] elif not isinstance(type_, Hint): raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid type hint: {}'.format(type_) ) inputs.append({ 'id': k, 'type': type_ }) return inputs def _outputs_from_f(self, f): """Gets output list from function `f`.""" outputs = [] sig = inspect.signature(f) if hasattr(f, 'to_tool_args') and f.to_tool_args['outputs']: out = f.to_tool_args['outputs'] else: out = sig.return_annotation if not out == sig.empty: if not isinstance(out, dict): raise ValueError('Output annotation have to be dict.') for k, annotation in out.items(): type_ = None if annotation != inspect._empty: type_ = annotation if (isinstance(type_, collections.Hashable) and type_ in self.type_map): type_ = self.type_map[type_] elif not isinstance(type_, Hint): raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid type hint: {}'.format(type_) ) outputs.append({ 'id': k, 'type': type_ }) return outputs def _set_inputs_from(self, f): """Sets inputs from annotated python function.""" inputs = self._inputs_from_f(f) for i in inputs: id = i['id'] label = i['id'] i['type'].required = is_empty(i['type'].default) self.add_input(i['type'], id=id, label=label) self.add_requirement(InlineJavascript()) self.add_requirement(ShellCommand()) def _set_outputs_from(self, f): """Sets outputs from annotated python function.""" outputs = self._outputs_from_f(f) for o in outputs: id = o['id'] label = id if o['type'].glob: glob = o['type'].glob load_contents = None oe = None else: glob = OUT_PATH load_contents = True oe = "$(JSON.parse(self[0].contents)['{id}'])".format( id=id ) self.add_output( o['type'], id=id, label=label, output_binding=OutputBinding( glob=glob, output_eval=oe, load_contents=load_contents ) ) def _create_parser(self, inputs): """Creates argparse code block by specified `inputs`.""" args = [] for i in inputs: args.append(DEFAULT_ARG.format( prefix='--{}'.format(, required=App.is_required(i.type), default=i.default if not is_empty(i.default) else None )) return '\n'.join(args) def _listing_from_f(self, func, name): """ Sets all init workdir requirements necessary for running python function `f`. """ def rrm_pycache(dir): for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(dir): for name in dirs: if name == '__pycache__': shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, name)) else: rrm_pycache(os.path.join(root, name)) def rm_pycache(modules, working_dir): for m in {os.path.join(working_dir, m) for m in modules}: rrm_pycache(m) def tar_modules(modules, extra=None): """Create a tar file of provided module list with paths, inside the tar, are relative to the working_dir. """ working_dir = os.getcwd() modules = { # Get only the direct children of the working_dir # tar module will do the recursive packaging m.replace(working_dir, '', 1).lstrip('/').split('/')[0] for m in modules } rm_pycache(modules, working_dir) arcnames = dict() for obj in sorted(extra): if os.path.isfile(obj['path']): modules.add(obj['path']) arcnames[obj['path']] = obj['name'] return archive(modules, encode=True, arcnames=arcnames) context = serialize.Context(func) context.add(name, func) util_file = deploy.__file__ return [ self.create_file( entryname="{}.py.b64".format(name), entry=consts.SCAFOLD.format( archive_name=name, b64untar=inspect.getsource(deploy.b64untar), imports='\n'.join(context.create_imports()), variables='\n\n'.join(context.create_variables()), functions='\n\n'.join(context.create_functions()), classes='\n\n'.join(context.create_classes()), function=func.__name__ ), encode=True ), Dirent( entryname='{}.tar.bz2.b64'.format(name), entry=tar_modules(context.modules, extra=[ dict( name=UTIL_PATH, path=util_file ) ]) ) ] def _create_file_from(self, f, name=None): """ Creates all init workdir requirements necessary for running python function `f`. """ if not name: name = f.__name__ for r in self._listing_from_f(f, name): self.add_in_workdir(r)
[docs] def add_locals(self, locals, name, postprocess=None): """ Add local files/dirs to tool in runtime. :param locals: list with paths :param name: bundle name in runtime :param postprocess: bash operation after unarchiving a bundle """ names = list(map(os.path.abspath, locals)) entry = archive(names, encode=True) self.add_file(entry=entry, entryname=name) self.unarchive_bundle( bundle=name, encoded=True, postprocess=postprocess ) if not self.hints: self.hints = [] self.hints.append(SaveLogs(os.path.basename(name))) for l in locals: if os.path.isfile(l): self.hints.append(SaveLogs(os.path.basename(l)))
@staticmethod def _create_var(t, env_name, env_val): other_expr = "$((inputs.{env_name})?inputs.{env_name}:'')" fd_expr = "$((inputs.{env_name})?inputs.{env_name}.path:'')" arr_fd_expr = "$((inputs.{env_name})?inputs.{env_name}" \ ".map(function(x){{return x['path']}})" \ ".join(' '): '')" arr_other_expr = "$((inputs.{env_name})?inputs.{env_name}" \ ".join(' '):'')" hint = None if isinstance(env_val, str): # hardcode env t.add_env_var( env_name=env_name, env_value=env_val ) # create input and connect with env variable elif isinstance(env_val, Hint): hint = env_val if isinstance( env_val, (String, Int, Float, Bool, Any, Union, Enum) ): t.add_env_var( env_name=env_name, env_value=other_expr.format( env_name=env_name ) ) elif isinstance(env_val, (File, Dir)): t.add_env_var( env_name=env_name, env_value=fd_expr.format( env_name=env_name ) ) elif isinstance(env_val, Array): if isinstance(env_val.val, (File, Dir)): t.add_env_var( env_name=env_name, env_value=arr_fd_expr.format( env_name=env_name ) ) else: t.add_env_var( env_name=env_name, env_value=arr_other_expr.format( env_name=env_name ) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Not implemented for {}'.format( env_val ) ) else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported env_val: {}'.format( env_val ) ) if hint: t.add_input( hint, id=env_name, label=env_name )
[docs] @classmethod def from_bash(cls, script, name='', id=None, label=None, doc=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, sources=None, lib=None, docker=None, secondary_files=None, stdout=None): """ Creates CommandLineTool created from bash script. :param script: can be bash file or contents :param name: bash script name :param id: tool ID :param label: tool label :param doc: tool description :param inputs: dictionary where keys are variable names and values can be either one of cwl hints or string. if hint is specified, then corresponding input will be created. If string is specified, then environment variable with that string value will be created. :param outputs: dictionary where keys are output ids and values are cwl hints :param sources: executes ``source <source>`` which can be used for exporting bash variables :param lib: only required when sources are specified, used as a name for bundle with sources :param docker: specify a docker image to retrieve using docker pull :param secondary_files: dictionary where key is input/output id and value is secondary files :param stdout: standard output redirect to this file :return: an instance of ``cwl.CommandLineTool`` """ if not lib: lib = BASH_BUNDLE_NAME if not sources: sources = [] sources.append(BASH_LIB) t = CommandLineTool() if id: = id if label: t.label = label if not = '_'.join(map(str.lower, re.findall(r"\w+", label))) if doc: t.doc = doc if os.path.isfile(script): with open(script, 'r') as fp: if not name: name = os.path.basename(script) entry = elif isinstance(script, str): if not name: raise ValueError( 'Missing name for bash script.' ) entry = script else: raise ValueError( 'Illegal value for arugment script.' ) entry_name = "{}.b64".format(name) t.add_file( entryname=entry_name, entry=entry, encode=True ) if sources: if not lib or not isinstance(lib, str): raise ValueError( 'Argument lib should be provided when sources are used.' ) t.add_locals(sources, lib) sources_str = ''.join(map( lambda x: "source {} && ".format( os.path.basename(x) ), sources) ) else: t.arguments = [] sources_str = '' bash_inline = \ '{sources} cat {encoded_script}|' \ 'base64 --decode > {script} && ' \ '/bin/bash ./{script}'.format( sources=sources_str if sources else '', encoded_script=entry_name, script=name ) t.arguments.append( InputBinding( shell_quote=False, value_from='/bin/bash -c "{inline}"'.format( inline=bash_inline ) ) ) t.add_requirement(Docker(docker_pull=docker)) t.add_requirement(ShellCommand()) t.add_requirement(InlineJavascript()) if inputs: for env_name, env_val in inputs.items(): cls._create_var(t, env_name, env_val) if outputs: for k, v in outputs.items(): t.add_output(v, id=k, label=k) if stdout: t.stdout = stdout if secondary_files: if not isinstance(secondary_files, dict): raise ValueError( 'Secondary files argument have to be an instance of dict' ) for k, v in secondary_files.items(): t.set_secondary_files(k, v) t.add_input_json() t.hints = [ SaveLogs(os.path.basename(name)), # main bash script ] for s in sources: t.hints.append(SaveLogs(os.path.basename(s))) # all sources if stdout: t.hints.append(SaveLogs(stdout)) # add SBG namespace t = cls.add_sbg_namespace(t) return t
# endregion # region override
[docs] def get_requirements(self, value): return get_requirements(value)
def _get_cls(self): return CommandLineTool def _get_input_cls(self): return CommandInput def _get_output_cls(self): return CommandOutput # endregion # region properties @property def base_command(self): """ Specifies the program to execute. If an array, the first element of the array is the command to execute, and subsequent elements are mandatory command line arguments. The elements in baseCommand must appear before any command line bindings from inputBinding or arguments. If baseCommand is not provided or is an empty array, the first element of the command line produced after processing inputBinding or arguments must be used as the program to execute. If the program includes a path separator character it must be an absolute path, otherwise it is an error. If the program does not include a path separator, search the $PATH variable in the runtime environment of the wf runner find the absolute path of the executable. """ return self.get('baseCommand') @base_command.setter def base_command(self, value): self['baseCommand'] = to_str_slist(value) @property def arguments(self): """ Command line bindings which are not directly associated with input parameters. """ return self.get('arguments') @arguments.setter def arguments(self, value): self['arguments'] = to_str_ibinding(value) @property def stdin(self): """ A path to a file whose contents must be piped into the command's standard input stream. """ return self.get('stdin') @stdin.setter def stdin(self, value): self['stdin'] = to_str(value) @property def stdout(self): """ Capture the command's standard output stream to a file written to the designated output directory. If stdout is a string, it specifies the file name to use. If stdout is an expression, the expression is evaluated and must return a string with the file name to use to capture stdout. If the return value is not a string, or the resulting path contains illegal characters (such as the path separator /) it is an error. """ return self.get('stdout') @stdout.setter def stdout(self, value): self['stdout'] = to_str(value) @property def stderr(self): """ Capture the command's standard error stream to a file written to the designated output directory. If stderr is a string, it specifies the file name to use. If stderr is an expression, the expression is evaluated and must return a string with the file name to use to capture stderr. If the return value is not a string, or the resulting path contains illegal characters (such as the path separator /) it is an error. """ return self.get('stderr') @stderr.setter def stderr(self, value): self['stderr'] = to_str(value) @property def success_codes(self): """Exit codes that indicate the process completed successfully.""" return self.get('successCodes') @success_codes.setter def success_codes(self, value): self['successCodes'] = to_ilist(value) @property def temporary_fail_codes(self): """ Exit codes that indicate the process failed due to a possibly temporary condition, where executing the process with the same runtime environment and inputs may produce different results. """ return self.get('temporaryFailCodes') @temporary_fail_codes.setter def temporary_fail_codes(self, value): self['temporaryFailCodes'] = to_ilist(value) @property def permanent_fail_codes(self): """ Exit codes that indicate the process failed due to a permanent logic error, where executing the process with the same runtime environment and same inputs is expected to always fail. """ return self.get('permanentFailCodes') @permanent_fail_codes.setter def permanent_fail_codes(self, value): self['permanentFailCodes'] = to_ilist(value)
# endregion