Source code for

import os
import base64
from abc import abstractmethod
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.hints import is_empty
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.types import Primitive
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.base import Cwl, salad
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.hints import TypeFactory
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.check import to_str, to_list
from sbg.cwl.consts import (
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.requirement import (
    InlineJavascript, Docker, Resource, ShellCommand, EnvVar, InitialWorkDir,
    Software, SchemaDef, Dirent, EnvironmentDef
from sbg.cwl.v1_0.schema import (
    InputArray, InputEnum, InputRecord, OutputArray, OutputEnum, OutputRecord,
    OutputBinding, ArrayBase

def to_inputs(value, in_cls):
    Converts value that can be either list|dict|JSON|$directive into CWL app

    def map_to_cls(obj):
        return in_cls(**obj)

    if value is not None:
        if isinstance(value, list):
            return list(map(map_to_cls, value))
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            inputs = []
            for k, v in value.items():
                if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get('type'):
                    v = map_to_cls(v)
           = k
                    v = in_cls(id=k, type=v)
            return inputs
            raise TypeError('Unsupported type: {}'.format(type(value)))
        return []

def to_outputs(value, out_cls):
    Converts value that can be either list|dict|JSON|$directive into CWL app

    def map_to_cls(obj):
        return out_cls(**obj)

    if value is not None:
        if isinstance(value, list):
            return list(map(map_to_cls, value))
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            inputs = []
            for k, v in value.items():
                if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get('type'):
                    v = map_to_cls(v)
           = k
                    v = out_cls(id=k, type=v)
            return inputs
            raise TypeError('Unsupported type: {}'.format(type(value)))
        return []

[docs]class App(Cwl): """ Super class for all runnable objects: - CommandLineTool - ExpressionTool - Workflow """ def __init__(self, class_, cwl_version='v1.0', inputs=None, outputs=None, id=None, requirements=None, hints=None, label=None, doc=None): super(App, self).__init__() self['class'] = class_ self.cwl_version = cwl_version self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs = id self.requirements = requirements self.hints = hints self.label = label self.doc = doc # region abc @abstractmethod def _get_cls(self): """Get subclass class object.""" pass @abstractmethod def _get_input_cls(self): """Get input class""" pass @abstractmethod def _get_output_cls(self): """Get output class""" pass # endregion # region utils
[docs] def add_hints(self, *hints): """Adds application hints.""" if not self.hints: self.hints = [] self.hints += list(hints)
[docs] def add_input_json(self): """ Creates and adds ``input.json`` as workdir requirement. File ``input.json`` contains all information about inputs in runtime. """ self.add_file( entryname='input.json', entry='$(JSON.stringify(inputs, null, 2))' )
[docs] def find_requirement(self, name): """ Returns requirement by class ``name``. """ found = None if not self.requirements: self.requirements = [] for x in self.requirements: if hasattr(x, 'class_') and x.class_ == name: found = x break return found
[docs] def get_port(self, id): """ Returns input/output port specified by id. :param id: IO unique identifier :return: IO port """ found = self.get_input(id) if not found: found = self.get_output(id) return found
[docs] def get_input(self, id): """ Returns input by its ``id``. :param id: input id :return: input object """ for i in self.inputs: if == id: return i
[docs] def get_output(self, id): """ Returns output by its ``id``. :param id: output id :return: output object """ for o in self.outputs: if == id: return o
[docs] def create_file(self, entry, entryname=None, writable=None, encode=False): """ Returns created file (``Dirent``). :param entry: file content :param entryname: file name :param writable: flag that indicates that file is writable :param encode: encode entry using ``base64`` :return: an instance of ``Dirent`` """ if encode: entry = base64.b64encode(entry.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8") return Dirent(entry, entryname=entryname, writable=writable)
[docs] def add_file(self, entry, entryname=None, writable=None, encode=False): """ Creates file (``Dirent``) and adds it into ``InitialWorkDirRequirement``. :param entry: file content :param entryname: file name :param writable: flag that indicates that file is writable :param encode: encode entry using ``base64`` """ self.add_in_workdir(self.create_file( entry, entryname=entryname, writable=writable, encode=encode ))
[docs] def stage_input(self, id): """ Stages input file specified by its ``id`` into current working dir. :param id: input file id """ found = None if self.requirements: for r in self.requirements: if r.class_ == 'InitialWorkDirRequirement': found = r break stage = '$(inputs.{})'.format(id) if found: found.listing.append(stage) else: self.add_requirement(InitialWorkDir([stage]))
[docs] def set_secondary_files(self, id, secondary): """ Sets secondary files on input/output identified with `id`. :param id: object id :param secondary: provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that must be included alongside the primary file """ port = self.get_port(id) if port: if isinstance(port, (self._get_input_cls(), self._get_output_cls())): port.secondary_files = secondary else: port['secondaryFiles'] = secondary else: raise ValueError('Object with id: {}, not found.'.format( id ))
# endregion # region static methods @staticmethod def _get_inherit_expr(single, **kwargs): if single: return INHERIT_SINGLE.format(**kwargs) else: return INHERIT_MULTI.format(**kwargs) @staticmethod def _is_file_array(t): if isinstance(t, str) and t.rstrip('?') == '{}[]'.format( Primitive.FILE ): return True if isinstance(t, list): if Primitive.NULL in t: t.remove(Primitive.NULL) if len(t) > 0: t = t[0] if isinstance(t, ArrayBase) and t.items_ == Primitive.FILE: return True return False
[docs] def inherit_metadata(self, src, dst): """ Inherits metadata from ``src`` input id to ``dst`` output id. :param src: input ID :param dst: output ID """ # add javascript expr lib self.add_expression_lib(EXPRESSION_LIB) found = None port = self.get_output(dst) single = not self._is_file_array(port.type) if isinstance(self.inputs, list): for o in self.outputs: if == dst: found = o break else: found = self.outputs[dst] if found: ob = found.output_binding if not ob: ob = OutputBinding() found.output_binding = ob if ob.output_eval: if ob.output_eval.startswith('$('): # inline expr expr_self = ob.output_eval.lstrip('$(').rstrip(')').strip() ob.output_eval = self._get_inherit_expr( single, input=src, preprocess="self = {}".format(expr_self) ) else: raise Exception( "Can't set metadata inheritance, outputEval already " "exists. Manual inheritance should be applied." ) else: ob.output_eval = self._get_inherit_expr( single, input=src, preprocess='' )
[docs] @staticmethod def add_sbg_namespace(app): """ Adds SBG namespace for CWL application (tool, workflow). :param app: an instance of cwl.App :return: app with added SBG namespace """ namespaces = app.get('$namespaces', dict()) namespaces['sbg'] = SBG_NAMESPACE app['$namespaces'] = namespaces return app
[docs] @staticmethod def set_required(obj, required): """ If argument ``required=True`` return required object. If argument ``required=False`` return non required object. :param obj: type object :param required: flag :return: type object """ if isinstance(obj, str): # primitive obj = obj.rstrip('?') if not required: obj += '?' elif isinstance(obj, (InputRecord, InputEnum, InputArray, OutputRecord, OutputEnum, OutputArray)): # schema if not required: return ['null', obj] else: return obj elif isinstance(obj, list): # union if not required: if Primitive.NULL not in obj: obj.insert(0, Primitive.NULL) return obj else: obj.remove(Primitive.NULL) if len(obj) == 1: obj = obj[0] return obj else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Not implemented for type: {}'.format(type(obj)) ) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def is_required(obj): """ Checks if obj is required type. :param obj: type object :return: bool """ if isinstance(obj, list) and Primitive.NULL in obj: return False if isinstance(obj, str) and obj.endswith('?'): return False return True
# endregion # region add requirement
[docs] def add_expression_lib(self, lib): """ Adds expression library into InlineJavascriptRequirement. :param lib: javascript library (can be string or list of strings) """ if not self.requirements: self.requirements = [] if os.path.isfile(lib): with open(lib, 'r') as fp_lib: expr = else: expr = lib inline_js = None for r in self.requirements: if isinstance(r, InlineJavascript): inline_js = r break if not inline_js: self.add_requirement(InlineJavascript( expression_lib=[expr]) ) else: if not inline_js.expression_lib: inline_js.expression_lib = [] inline_js.expression_lib.append(expr)
[docs] def add_env_var(self, env_name=None, env_value=None, env_def=None): """ Adds environment variable into requirements. :param env_name: the environment variable name :param env_value: the environment variable value :param env_def: the list of environment variables """ if env_def: var = env_def elif env_name and env_value: var = EnvironmentDef(env_name, env_value) else: raise ValueError( 'Insufficient number of arguments.Specify either ' '(env_name and env_value) or env_def' ) found = self.find_requirement('EnvVarRequirement') if not found: self.add_requirement(EnvVar([var])) else: if isinstance(found.env_def, list): found.env_def.append(var) elif isinstance(found.env_def, dict): found.env_def[var.env_name] = var else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported type: {}'.format( type(found.envdef)) )
[docs] def add_in_workdir(self, r): """ Adds ``r`` into InitialWorkDirRequirement. :param r: the list of files or subdirectories that must be placed in the designated output directory prior to executing the command line tool """ found = None if not self.requirements: self.requirements = [] for x in self.requirements: if (hasattr(x, 'class_') and x.class_ == 'InitialWorkDirRequirement'): found = x break if found: found.listing += [r] else: self.add_requirement((InitialWorkDir(listing=[r])))
[docs] def add_requirement(self, new_r): """Add ``new_r`` into requirements.""" if isinstance(new_r, (InlineJavascript, SchemaDef, Docker, Software, InitialWorkDir, EnvVar, ShellCommand, Resource)): updated = False if self.requirements: for r in self.requirements: if r.class_ == new_r.class_: r.update(new_r) updated = True if not updated: self.requirements.append(new_r) else: self.requirements = [new_r] else: raise TypeError('Expected Requirement got: {}'.format(type(new_r)))
# endregion # region io def _io_common(self, hint, io): """Extracts and sets common fields for IO.""" if hint.label: io.label = hint.label if hint.doc: io.doc = hint.doc if hint.secondary_files: io.secondary_files = hint.secondary_files return io
[docs] def add_input(self, hint, id=None, label=None, secondary_files=None, streamable=None, doc=None, format=None, input_binding=None, stage=False): """ Adds input by type hint and kwargs arguments. :param hint: type hint (eg, ``Int()``, ``String()``, etc) :param id: the unique identifier for this parameter object :param label: a short, human-readable label of this object :param secondary_files: a list of additional files or directories that are associated with the primary file and must be transferred alongside the primary file :param streamable: a value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking :param doc: a documentation string for this type, or an array of strings which should be concatenated :param format: the format of the file :param input_binding: describes how to handle the inputs of a process and convert them into a concrete form for execution, such as command line parameters. :param stage: stages input file into current working dir """ default = None if is_empty(hint.default) else hint.default input = self._io_common(hint, self._get_input_cls()( id=id, label=label, secondary_files=secondary_files, streamable=streamable, doc=doc, format=format, input_binding=input_binding, default=default, type=TypeFactory.create(hint, True) )) if not self.inputs: self.inputs = [] self.inputs.append(input) if stage: self.stage_input(id) return input
[docs] def add_output(self, hint, id=None, label=None, secondary_files=None, streamable=None, doc=None, output_binding=None, format=None): """ Adds output by type hint and kwargs arguments. :param id: the unique identifier for this parameter object :param label: a short, human-readable label of this object :param secondary_files: provides a pattern or expression specifying files or directories that must be included alongside the primary file. :param streamable: a value of true indicates that the file is read or written sequentially without seeking :param doc: a documentation string for this type, or an array of strings which should be concatenated :param output_binding: describes how to handle the outputs of a process :param format: the format of the file """ if hint.glob and not output_binding: output_binding = OutputBinding(glob=hint.glob) output = self._io_common(hint, self._get_output_cls()( id=id, label=label, secondary_files=secondary_files, streamable=streamable, doc=doc, format=format, output_binding=output_binding, type=TypeFactory.create(hint, False) )) if not self.outputs: self.outputs = [] self.outputs.append(output) return output
# endregion # region properties @property def inputs(self): """ Defines the input parameters of the process. The process is ready to run when all required input parameters are associated with concrete values. Input parameters include a schema for each parameter which is used to validate the input object. It may also be used to build a user interface for constructing the input object. When accepting an input object, all input parameters must have a value. If an input parameter is missing from the input object, it must be assigned a value of null (or the value of default for that parameter, if provided) for the purposes of validation and evaluation of expressions. """ return self.get('inputs') @inputs.setter def inputs(self, value): self['inputs'] = to_inputs(value, self._get_input_cls()) @property def outputs(self): """ Defines the parameters representing the output of the process. May be used to generate and/or validate the output object. """ return self.get('outputs') @outputs.setter def outputs(self, value): self['outputs'] = to_outputs(value, self._get_output_cls()) @property def id(self): """The unique identifier for this process object.""" return self.get('id') @id.setter def id(self, value): self['id'] = to_str(value) @property def requirements(self): """ Declares requirement that apply to either the runtime environment or the wf engine that must be met in order to execute this process. If an implementation cannot satisfy all requirement, or a requirement is listed which is not recognized by the implementation, it is a fatal error and the implementation must not attempt to run the process, unless overridden at user option. """ return self.get('requirements')
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_requirements(self, value): pass
@requirements.setter def requirements(self, value): self['requirements'] = self.get_requirements(value) @property def hints(self): """ Declares hints applying to either the runtime environment or the wf engine that may be helpful in executing this process. It is not an error if an implementation cannot satisfy all hints, however the implementation may report a warning. """ return self.get('hints') @hints.setter def hints(self, value): self['hints'] = to_list(value) @property def label(self): """A short, human-readable label of this process object.""" return self.get('label') @label.setter def label(self, value): self['label'] = to_str(value) @property def doc(self): """A long, human-readable description of this process object.""" return self.get('doc') @doc.setter def doc(self, value): self['doc'] = to_str(value) @property def cwl_version(self): """ CWL document version. Always required at the document root. Not required for a Process embedded inside another Process. """ return self.get('cwlVersion') @cwl_version.setter def cwl_version(self, value): self['cwlVersion'] = to_str(value)
# endregion