Source code for sbg.cwl.sbg.session

from datetime import datetime
from sevenbridges.api import Api
from sevenbridges.config import Config
from sevenbridges.models.project import Project
from sbg.cwl.sbg.hints.hint import Hint
from import App as CwlApp
from sevenbridges.http.error_handlers import (
    general_error_sleeper, maintenance_sleeper, rate_limit_sleeper

[docs]class Session(object): def __init__(self, profile='default', endpoint=None, token=None, api=None): """ Session for running CWL documents on SBG platform. :param profile: profile listed inside ``$HOME/.sevenbridges/credentials`` (eg. cgc, default, cavatica) :param endpoint: api endpoint :param token: developer token from platform :param api: sbg api object Example: .. code-block:: python from sbg import cwl session = cwl.Session() # default will be used session = cwl.Session(token='<DEV_TOKEN>', endpoint='<ENDPOINT>') """ self.endpoint = endpoint self.token = token if api is not None: self.api = api else: self.api = Session.init_api( profile=profile, token=token, endpoint=endpoint ) # region static
[docs] @staticmethod def init_api(profile='default', token=None, endpoint=None): """ Initialize SBG API using credentials located inside ``$HOME/.sevenbridges/credentials`` or by provided dev_token and platform. :param profile: profile listed inside ``$HOME/.sevenbridges/credentials``. Example: cgc, default, cavatica :param token: developer token from platform :param endpoint: api endpoint :return: an instance of ``Api`` """ if token and endpoint: api = Api(url=endpoint, token=token, error_handlers=[ rate_limit_sleeper, maintenance_sleeper, general_error_sleeper ]) else: c = Config(profile=profile) api = Api(config=c, error_handlers=[ rate_limit_sleeper, maintenance_sleeper, general_error_sleeper ]) return api
# endregion # region methods
[docs] def create_app(self, app, project): """ Install/create revision of app. New revision is created only if there is a difference from a latest revision. :param app: an instance of ``cwl.App`` :param project: an instance of ``Project`` :return: installed app Example: .. code-block:: python from sbg import cwl session = cwl.Session() session.create_app( app=cwl.CommandLineTool(id='my_id'), project='<PROJECT>' ) """ hash_key = 'sbg:hash' if not isinstance(project, Project): project = self.api.projects.get("{}".format(project)) app_id = '{project}/{id}'.format(, ) app_hash = app.calc_hash() result = self.api.apps.query(id=app_id) if len(result) == 0: # install app app[hash_key] = app_hash app = self.api.apps.install_app(id=app_id, raw=app) else: # create new revision if there are any changes sbg_app = result[0] sbg_app_hash = sbg_app.raw.get(hash_key) # hash values are equal => no changes if sbg_app_hash and app_hash == sbg_app_hash: app = sbg_app else: # changes app[hash_key] = app_hash app = self.api.apps.create_revision( id=app_id, raw=app, revision=result[0].revision + 1 ) return app
[docs] def draft(self, project, app, inputs=None, hints=None): """ Creates draft task. :param project: an instance of either ``Project`` or ``str`` :param app: an instance of ``cwl.App`` :param inputs: input map :param hints: SBG hints :return: created draft task Example: .. code-block:: python from sbg import cwl session = cwl.Session() session.draft( app=cwl.CommandLineTool( id='my_id', base_command=['echo', 'SevenBridges'] ), project='<PROJECT>' ) """ if hints: app = Session.add_hints(app, *hints) if not inputs: inputs = {} if not isinstance(app, CwlApp): raise ValueError( 'Required an instance of {}, got {}'.format( CwlApp.__name__, type(app) ) ) if not isinstance(project, Project): project = self.api.projects.get("{}".format(project)) task_name = '{} - {}'.format( app.label if app.label else,'%Y.%m.%dT%H:%M:%S') ) sbg_app = self.create_app(app, project) task = self.api.tasks.create( task_name, project, sbg_app, inputs=inputs ) return task
[docs] @staticmethod def add_hints(app, *hints): """ Add hints on a ``app``. :param app: an instance of ``cwl.App`` :param hints: hints :return: ``app`` with added hints """ if hints: for h in hints: if isinstance(h, Hint): if not app.hints: app.hints = [] app.hints.append(h) else: raise Exception('Expected Hint, got {}', type(h)) return app
[docs] def run(self, project, app, inputs=None, hints=None): """ Runs ``app`` on a platform. :param project: an instance of either ``Project`` or ``str`` :param app: an instance of ``cwl.App`` :param inputs: input map :param hints: list of ``Hint`` :return: task Example: .. code-block:: python from sbg import cwl session = cwl.Session() app=cwl.CommandLineTool( id='my_id', base_command=['echo', 'SevenBridges'] ), project='<PROJECT>' ) """ task = self.draft(project, app, inputs=inputs, hints=hints) return
# endregion